About Jason Fladlien

Who is Jason Fladlien?

Jason Fladlien is an Internet Marketer with humble beginnings.  That he is well known now only makes his success story all the more interesting.

Here are the basics:  He started out in 2005 trying to make it in the hip-hop music scene, and got his first taste of Internet Marketing trying to use the internet to get mroe people to see his shows.  He then tried to make some money on adwords – again with no luck.

He tried to become a marketing consulate for small businesses – no luck.

His first taste of success came from writing articles for other people.  He discovered he had a talent for writing articles, and was able to make a living as a ghostwriter at $40 per hour.

[S3VIDEO file=’JFladVideo.flv’ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/jasonfladlien.png’] 

Check out the Above Video of Jason when he was just Starting Out.

Fast forward about a year – tired of the ghostwriting grind, he puts his accumulated knowledge of internet marketing to good use, and launches his first internet product, appropriately called – 7 Minute Articles .  And sell it did!  After making about $2000 in 2 weeks, he quit ghostwriting and went on a product creation binge, launching 8 products in the following 6 months.

Since that point Jason hasn’t looked back.  His products have gotten better and better, while has he finally achieved his dream of internet success.  Having persevered through tough times and multiple failures, his story shows all of us the power of persistence – and hard work!