Connie Ragen Green Affiliate Training Webinar

by | Webinars

Connie Green Webinar

connie green webinarThe affiliate training Connie Green webinar was excellent. Too bad there wasn’t much notice, I’m not sure of how many people were able to make it. Thank goodness for webinar replays! So for your enjoyment, in all its gotowebinar goodness, is “Affiliate Training for the Rest of Us” webinar replay. Check out the replay below.

[S3VIDEO file=’conniewebinar.mp4′ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/connie-green_webinar_thumb93.png’]

Connie Green Webinar Overview

Here were some of my key take-aways:

The 4 P Plan, which consists of:

  • People – who is your target audience?
  • Problem – what is the problem of your audience that you want to solve?
  • Promise – what will you promise them to solve their problem?
  • Profits – how are you going to make money from this?

The 3 x 3 x 3 Plan

  • Send three emails for each item you are promoting.
  • Include the link 3 times within the email.
  • Promote in three different ways:  think multi-media and social media.

The 10 x 10 x 10 Plan

  • 10 days of auto-responder messages
  • 10 articles submitted to the directories
  • 10 tweets over a 10 day period
  • 10 blog posts
  • 10 ‘other’
    1. squidoo lenses
    2. hubpages
    3. press releases
    4. audio
    5. video
    6. blog comments
    7. Weebly mini sites
    8. Amazon book reviews
    9. E-courses
    10. Facebook Fan Pages
    11. Forums

The 1, 2, 3 Punch

  • Promote to your list using the 3 x 3 x 3 method
  • Immediately promote something Low cost
  • Immediately promote your own product

Connie Green Webinar Replay



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