Facebook SSL Report

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Facebook SSL Report: How To Protect Your Facebook Page

Facebook SSLIf you want to continue generating traffic and profits from your Facebook page, Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos’ Facebook SSL Report wants to show you how. With the recent changes in Facebook, business owners with fan pages aren’t safe – you need to make sure your page will be up and running on this social network 24/7.

Facebook SSL Report is a training guide for any marketer who depends on Facebook for interacting with their clients. We all know just how ginormous Facebook has become and it is no wonder why a lot of internet marketers have joined the Facebook marketing bandwagon.

Facebook SSL Report?

Facebook SSL Report is a training guide authored by Wilson and Jason. If you already have their WP Fan Pro, you will get this for free. But you can get it as a standalone guide for just $17 – for a limited time only.

The Facebook SSL Report training enumerates some of the most cost-effective ways to set up SSL for your domain. This guide talks about setting up your domain, an IP address and a SSL certificate- all in under $35.

Wait… SSL Certificate What?

Most Faceboook fan pages and apps are using iFrames – what this means that these pages are making use of external sites for their content. Although iFrames work well, its security features aren’t that impressive. And here is where SSL comes in.

Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a security protocol that functions in two distinct ways: encryption of sensitive information in online transactions and unique identification and authentication of the page owner’s credentials. With the use of SSL Certificates on Facebook, you can be sure that your content and your activity are encrypted and secured. When we talk about SSL, it is also hard to not mention HTTPS which is a secured version of HTTP.

What Will Happen Now?

Perhaps in an effort to protect privacy and security of its users, Facebook announced that starting October 1st of this year, they will require developers and fan page administrators to have their pages served in HTTPS rather than HTTP. Pages and apps that do not use HTTPS or SSL will be taken down.

Since October 1, there are many Facebook page administrators who experienced problems – their site was either taken down or nothing appears on the page. There were also some pages who used “shared SSL certificates” but Facebook does not tolerate that so you should stay away from it. And here is where Facebook SSL Report comes in.

Who Needs The Facebook SSL Report Guide

Now, if your business’ fan page doesn’t have any “added features” in it and you are just using the features that comes with every regular Facebook fan page, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

The Facebook SSL Report, obviously, is perfect for any internet marketer or business owner who relies heavily on Facebook for their marketing campaigns and are using some apps to spice up their fan page. Facebook SSL Report is also a good resource for Facebook app developers.

Why Should I Get Facebook SSL Report?

Even though the actual process of using SSL Certificates isn’t hard, it will cost you some money. Right now, the going rate for SSL certificates for a domain is $69! And you still have to worry about registering a new domain name and finding an IP address for you. This whole process can easily cost you about $100.

With Facebook SSL Report, Jason and Wilson will share some of their cost-cutting techniques to get a SSL certificate, a domain name and your own IP address.

The Facebook SSL Report Package: What You Will Get 

To give you a better overview of exactly what it is you will get from the Facebook SSL Report package, here’s a quick list:

  • 30-page PDF guide to make sure your Facebook page is SSL-ready
  • Screenshot of the different steps involved in the process
  • Guide to choosing a reliable but inexpensive web host
  • 30-day money back guarantee

Overall, Facebook SSL Reports is a great way to ensure that Facebook’s tightened security rules will not affect you or your business. If you are in the market for an inexpensive but effective way to get past the new SSL certificate requirement, Facebook SSL Report is for you.

Check out this video of Trish and Johnny talking about the Facebook SSL Report: 

[S3VIDEO file=’facebook-SSL.mp4′ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/Facebook-SSL-Report.png’]



  1. Facebook SSL Statement | Futurelife - [...] Facebook SSL Statement [...]
  2. Facebook SSL Statement — Nicerain - [...] Facebook SSL Statement [...]
  3. Good Reasons Why Marketers Who Use FB Fan Pages Should Have Facebook SSL Report - [...] It is a simple matter to check if the online page you are browsing is protected or not. Simply…

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