NicheCopywriter PLR – 12 Products

by | Copywriting

Niche Copywriter


If you haven’t already heard about Jason’s new copywriting product called NicheCopywriter PLR, he is promoting it again, check out the email below.


I do a good bit of consulting, and a lot of times it
deals with helping copywriters get their first client.
I tell them a fool-proof method for doing it, yet
strangely enough, they never seem to follow it.


So I got fed up by it recently, and decided to
do most of the work for them. Getting copywriting
clients and Offline business consulting deals (same
formula) requires you create several little front
end lead generation products that get your prospects
to come to you, instead of vice versa.

So I solved that problem for you by creating 12 little
lead generation reports that will do just that.

Plus, if you’re not even interested in getting copywriting
clients this is still a killer package for you. Why?

Because I’ve written a dynamo sales letter taking 6
of those little reports and selling them as a “ultimate
package”. You could literally just plug the sales letter
into your site, upload the files and then promote that
and make back the tiny investment fee I’m asking
for this big ass package.

Does this interest you at all? If so, get the full scoop here:


Jason Fladlien
Fladlien Productions
(563) 571-2131



  1. NicheCopywriter Plr – 12 Devices — Nicerain - [...] NicheCopywriter Plr – 12 Devices [...]
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