Plus One Profits by Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos

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Plus One Profits For Fun And Profits

plus one profits

Plus One Profits is a brand-new WordPress plug-in developed by Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos. Google +1 is the relatively new Google initiative to socially bookmark the web. What this basically means is that now, when you search for something using Google, you will be able to see which of your friends has “+1ed” something. Google +1 should tell you that the site is more worthy than other sites, and that’s why you want to use Plus One Profits on your website too.

What is Google +1

Probably the easiest way to explain Plus One Profits is to compare it to the Facebook like button. They both do essentially the same thing as far as I’m concerned. They both tell you when your friends or acquaintances have “liked” something that you are searching for or looking at on the internet. Of the two, I consider the Google +1 button to be a little more practical in the sense that I will actually see whether my friends have liked a particular website as I’m searching. If you check out the video at the bottom of this page, Jason Fladlien shows you real live examples of how that works. One thing to note however, is to enjoy the benefits of Google +1 and Plus One Profits, you need to be logged in to your Google account so it knows who you are.

Simple Yet Powerful WordPress Options Panel

There are probably about 1000 different Google +1 plug-ins similar to Plus One Profits available for WordPress today, even though it is a relatively new button. The thing that makes Jason Fladlien’s Plus One Profits plug-in standout from the rest, is that it has a couple of very powerful and very practical configurable options that allow you to do some very cool things with the plus one button.

Another plugin of Jason Fladliens that is similar to Plus One Profits in its practicality and its usefulness is the recently launched Measure My SEO, which give you a running tally of the SEO optimization of your post as you edit it.

Plus Ones Profits Redirection Sets it Apart

Plus One Profits has a simple and practical WordPress admin options panel. It has only a few options, but these options allow you to do some very unique things, as I mentioned before. One of the things that I find especially useful, is its ability to redirect to any URL of your choosing. This works really well if you want to be able to offer let’s say, a “gift” in exchange for someone clicking the plus one button. As a matter fact, if you look at the top of this post you should be able to see how I’ve used Plus One Profits to implement that very strategy here in my blog.

+1 Any Website with Plus One Profits

Plus One Profits gives you more possibilities as well. You can actually allow Plus One Profits to “+1” a website or URL other than the one where the +1 button is actually located. Simply by inputting the URL in the options panel, you will tell Plus One Profits that you want all clicks to be applied to that URL. Pretty slick, and very easy to configure. It’s easy to think of scenarios where this could be a very useful feature. So do you see what I mean when I say that Plus One Profits has some very simple, yet at the same time very powerful configuration options?

Plus One Profits Lets You Configure Appearance

As well as having these redirection abilities, Plus One Profits also will allow you to configure the look and feel of the actual +1 button. You have several size options, as well as the ability to show the number of people who have clicked on the button so far. Another thing that I forgot to mention is that Plus One Profits will allow you to place the button on any post, as well as any page in your WordPress blog.

So as you can see Plus One Profits has taken a very simple thing, the Google +1 button, and turned it into a sweet little WordPress plug-in that has some very powerful and imaginative configuration options, things that I am pretty sure that Google never considered. If you are thinking about adding a Google +1 button to your website, and I can’t think of who wouldn’t want to add that to their website because of the obvious benefits, in my personal opinion the Plus One Plugin should be considered because of its well thought out features.

Plus One Profits is No Risk

And of course, Jason Fladlien is offering his standard 30 day no-questions-asked money back refund as he does for all of his products. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with Plus One Profits, just ask for your money back within that 30 day window. So if you’re not sure or if you have doubts, you can think of this as a risk-free 30 day trial. Regardless of whether or not you use Plus One Profits to display the Google +1 button on your website, I highly recommend that you display the plus one button.

Check out the quick video below where Jason Fladlien gives you a demonstration of Plus One Profits at work.

[S3VIDEO file=’’ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/plus1profits_thumb.png’]


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