WP File Lock

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WP File Lock WordPress plugin by Jason Fladlien

WP File Lock

WP File Lock is a brand plug-in developed by the dynamic duo Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos. It is a WordPress file protection plug-in, that allows you to sell digital goods on your WordPress website with the security and protection that it provides for your downloadable products. WP File Lock stands out for its simplicity and ease-of-use, a common trademark with many of Jason Fladlien’s products, such as WP Fan Pro, WP Twin, and S3Flowshield.

WP File Lock also comes with some very cool and practical integrations that make it easier to use than the average WordPress plug-in. For instance it will automatically integrate with PayPal, allowing you to put a PayPal purchase button anywhere, in any post or page, using a quick button in the WordPress post editor. Its integration with PayPal is so easy to use that WP File Lock will allow you to set up a PayPal sales system without ever even needing to log into your PayPal account and copy or paste anything. Just input your PayPal e-mail, and let WP File Lock take care of the rest.

Another thing that WP File Lock does right is that it will integrate with your autoresponder. Although autoresponder integration is almost becoming a de facto standard with any good WordPress plug-in, WP File Lock takes it a step further by allowing you to use not just AWeber, but Get Response, as well as Incamail, 2 other very popular auto responders in use today. By integrating, what I mean is all you need to do is to put in your list name from AWeber or whichever autoresponder you may use, and WP File Lock will know what to do, and it will be configured, end of story.

As well as offering PayPal and autoresponder integration, both of which are like I said almost a de facto standard these days, WP File Lock takes it a step further. With WP File Lock you automatically get Clickbank integration as well. If your product happens to be a click bank product, just by inputting a few settings into WP File Lock, it will be pre-configured to work with Clickbank making it as easy as can be for you to sell and download your product from your website. A lot of people use Clickbank because of its ease of use, its reliability, and its practicality, which is very similar in those respects to WP File Lock, and it just makes sense that the two should work together.

If that isn’t enough for you, WP File Lock takes practicality to the next level by also integrating with the warrior forum. Yes, you heard right, WP File Lock will integrate with your WS0 special offers. The Warrior Forum special offer section has become an extremely popular way to sell things, as I’m sure you have noticed. Once again by thinking about how it could be possible to make WP File Lock even more practical and just simply easier to use, Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos added WS0 integration into WP File Lock.

Let’s see, what else is there that WP File Lock does to make selling easy and practical on your WordPress website? It includes a WP File Lock protection button in the WordPress post editor, so that you when are building your download page you can easily, by using this button, protect the download file and set up a download link at the same time. WP File Lock will upload the file to the appropriate location, and set up the link all in one step.

Jason Fladlien has always been someone who likes to over-deliver with his products, and WP File Lock is no exception. To sweeten the deal even more he has included 25 Sales Letter themes as a bonus for whoever purchases WP File Lock. So when it’s time for you to design your sales page, you won’t be starting from scratch. You’ll have 25 professional themes designed by Jason Fladlien himself to work with. Not a bad bonus if you ask me.

Finally, I would like to quickly explain how WP File Lock works, even though its best that you see for yourself in the video at the bottom of this post. Basically, after the customer has purchased the product, PayPal will send him to a page where he needs to log in with a password and username that WP File Lock will give him. Once he has logged in with this information, which is also sent to his e-mail, he then is taken directly to the download page where he can use the download link to download the product immediately. The feature that makes WP File Lock secure, is that if someone were to share the download link it would do them no good since they need to be logged in to download the product. When a person who is not logged in to WP File Lock attempts to access the download page, he is automatically redirected to the sales page for that product. Pretty slick.

Check out the quick video below to see Jason Fladlien take WP File Lock through its paces.

[S3VIDEO file=’wp-file-lock_23.mov’ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/wp-file-lock_thumb-212.png’]

WP File Lock



  1. WP File Lock: Secure Files | Keyword of the Day - [...] Buy, log on, then download. That’s all you have to do to be able to safeguard your downloadable online…
  2. How You Can Protect Files By Using WP File Lock - [...] Purchase, login, then download. That’s all you need to carry out as a way to safeguard any downloadable digital…
  3. Ways To Secure Dowloadable Files Using WP File Lock | Work For A Website - [...] Buy, log on, and download. This is all you have to do for you to safeguard any downloadable digital…
  4. How You Can Protect Files With WP File Lock | eLocalized.Com - [...] Purchase, login, and download. This is all you need to carry out for you to safeguard any downloadable online…
  5. The Best Way To Secure Dowloadable Files With WP File Lock | iEconomise - [...] Buy, log on, download. That’s all you need to do in order to secure your downloadable online products using…
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