Linked Ninja

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Linked Ninja : Use LinkedIn to Build Your Online Business

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Linked Ninja is the latest course produced by Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos’ Rapid Crush Software Club. In this course-slash-service, Jason and Wilson partnered with Greig Wells to show online marketers that indeed, there are a million and one places in cyberspace where you can advertise your business. This time, it’s LinkedIn.

Linked Ninja, as I mentioned, is a course-slash-service. Why? Well, aside from getting a lot of video training, you will also get one-on-one sessions with Greig or his team on how you can and should set up your LinkedIn account. You will also get a customizable website, among other things, if you take advantage of the program.

LinkedIn is the Facebook for Professionals

But what is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a social networking site, much like Facebook, but it is aimed squarely at business professionals. In some ways, it is really like Facebook for grown-ups!

In LinkedIn, you can connect with professionals from around the globe – regardless of what they specialize in or what industry they work in. Through LinkedIn, you can build “Groups” where people who are interested in the same things can talk and discuss different topics.

Here are a couple of things you need to know about LinkedIn (all of this is also explained in Linked Ninja):

  1. Instead of “friends” the people in your network are called “connections” and you can see up to the friends of your friend’s friends. In short, you can check out up to your third degree connections.
  2. There are a lot of groups in LinkedIn and the topics are very diverse! It can be as professional as a group for employees of John Deere around the country or as personal as a “Cat Lovers” group.

As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities and methods to connect with a lot of people around the globe through LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is really a job hunter’s and a recruiter’s paradise. But Greig Wells believes that it can also be any online business owner’s heaven too.

Meet the Creator of Linked Ninja

About 14 years ago, Greig Wells was a technical support guy in a bank in Boston. After two years of working in a call centre, he moved on to be a recruiter and that’s where he found LinkedIn.

Greig has a website called “Be Found, Be Hired” where he teaches people how to write good and hire-able resumes. He is very successful in this field and he is very popular in LinkedIn. How popular? Well, he has 17,182 first-degree connections!

Just recently, Greg teamed up with Rapid Crush Software Club where he launched Linked Ninja. Remember how I mentioned in my post about the Rapid Crush Software Club that it is possible that your software could become one of the programs available there? Well, Linked Ninja is one great example.

Linked Ninja Benefits

Do you really need to advertise on LinkedIn? And if you do, is Linked Ninja the answer? Okay, let me help you answer those questions.

LinkedIn is a hub for professionals. LinkedIn is a place where people are constantly looking for new things – for new connections and for new groups to join. And isn’t that what an online marketer wants? People who are curious. Looking for people or a group within your niche in LinkedIn is really easy. Just search for your keyword and you will be given a list of people you can invite and groups you can join. You can also set up your own group and invite others to join it.

But is Linked Ninja the course-slash-service for you? Well, it doesn’t matter if you’re a total newbie or an advanced user of LinkedIn. The Linked Ninja program is really packed with a lot of information and tips to build your own online empire through LinkedIn.

With Linked Ninja, you can get three major benefits:

  1. Online Video Course
  2. Brandable Reports and Websites
  3. Three “Done for You” Services

Linked Ninja Video Online Course

With Greig Wells’ Linked Ninja, you will definitely never run out of videos to watch. These videos are structured to help you understand what LinkedIn and how you can turn it into your very own money-making machine.

Right now, there are 17 videos that you can download when you buy Linked Ninja. The topics include setting up your profile to optimizing it and even how you can create an interesting LinkedIn group. Here’s a list of the videos you will get.

  1. Your LinkedIn Account Set Up From Scratch
  2. Why LinkedIn Is a Must
  3. The LinkedIn Mindset
  4. Getting Started With LinkedIn
  5. Tweaking the Profile
  6. LinkedIn Groups
  7. Deep Networks
  8. Advanced Recommendations
  9. LinkedIn Applications
  10. Maximizing Your Account Settings
  11. Targeting Your Ideal Clients
  12. LinkedIn SEO
  13. Conversion Optimization
  14. Ninja Match Maker
  15. The Faucet
  16. LinkedIn List Building
  17. Building a Sales Force

Linked Ninja’s “Done for You” Services

You may have noticed how I always use “course-slash-services” when referring to Linked Ninja? Well, here is where the services parts come in.

The moment you buy Linked Ninja, you would automatically have to schedule a meeting with one of Greg’s trained LinkedIn experts. That person will teach you how to set up an optimized profile, how to create LinkedIn groups and how to find the best connections for you – all through remote access. All you really need to do here is to show up in the meeting, sit back and enjoy while the Linked Ninja team sets up your account.

These optimization services are really important because aside from being more visible on LinkedIn, your page will be SEO-friendly too!

Profile Optimization

Even in LinkedIn, keywords are important. If you want to get more leads, you need to make sure that your profile is optimized. And you won’t have any problems making sure of that once the Linked Ninja team finishes up your account.

LinkedIn Groups Done For You!

Creating LinkedIn groups has a lot of benefits for a business owner. Through the Linked Ninja team, you will be attracting people who are really interested in what you have to offer. Chances are, in time, as you build a relationship with them, not only will they be a part of your growing email subscriber list, they will also be your loyal customers.

Super Connections Done For You

With Linked Ninja, you will develop an eye for finding all your potential clients. You will learn how to create a network that can turn into raving customers for you and your business.

Brandable Reports from Linked Ninja

Another thing you will get in the Linked Ninja course is two eBooks that you can tweak and make your own. You can offer these as free reports to your customers, or use them to build your list. They are yours to do with as you please.

  1. Increasing Your LinkedIn Presence
  2. Internet Superstar

When you get these reports, you can edit them as you wish and you will also get original and unique eBook covers for each.

Aside from these reports, you will also get an additional website that is basically ready to be published. All that you need to do is to edit some details here and there and it’s ready to go.

The LinkedIn Ninja Verdict:

Even though Greig Wells chose to focus on helping local business owners in the Linked Ninja course-slash-service, the course is perfect for online business owners trying to build a strong, big and responsive email list.

Linked Ninja costs $997 and it has a 30-day money back guarantee, the standard guarantee for all of Jason Fladlien’s and Wilson Mattos’s programs.

Check out the Webinar below where Greig Wells goes over whats inside LinkedIn Ninja:

[S3VIDEO file=’’ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/linkedin_ninja_thumb_439.png’ displaymode=’embedded’ width=’365′ height=’300′]



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