Product Creation eClass * FREE Webinar*

by | Webinars

Product eClass 1/21/2012 Update: The new product eClass 2.0 just launched, and will be starting  very soon.  This class promisses to be more complete, and comes with more bonuses that the original too – for those who sign up early. The price is the same as the original 6 week interactive training. You can sign up here. or you can read the new blog post I’ve written about it at Product eClass 2.0

Jason Fladlien has been strangely quiet these past few weeks.  You can hardly blame him, being a new dad and all.  But he’s launching a product creating eClass next week – “How to create an info product in 2 hrs or less”

The webinar will be next Tuesday, Sept 28th at 7:30 pm EASTERN time.  Click here to sign up.  Last time he held this webinar he filled up all 1000 lines, so reserve your spot now.

Here is the heads-up email he sent me:

Whiz kid Jason Fladlien is holding a free
webinar where he’ll show you a to z product
creation strategies so you can create an
info product in under 2 hours time.

Then sell thousands of copies of it… This
webinar is sure to be action packed and
the last time Jason did it, they filled up
all 1000 lines.

So make sure to sign up now by clicking
the link below to lock in your spot…

Product Creation eClass

Jason will also show the system of how
he took a guy from ZERO dollars to just
$10,000 in the span of three weeks with
just one simple production creation

Plus, you’ll find out the techniques Jason
used to create 26 info products in less than
6 months.

Sign up now to gain access to this
webinar. Click the link below now:

Product Creation eClass

To Your Success!


P.S. you’ll get an extra free gift just
for showing up to the LIVE webinar…



  1. Fastlearner » Product Design EClass * Open Webinar* - [...] Product Design EClass * Open Webinar* Posted on November 13, 2012 by boliviano1. This entry was posted in local.…
  2. Moutaincave - Product Design EClass * Spare Webinar* - [...] Product Design EClass * Spare Webinar* « Senuke X Review [...]
  3. Product Design EClass * Open Webinar* | Futurelife - [...] Product Design EClass * Open Webinar* [...]

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