
Rapid Crush Software Club by Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos

by Allen Bogdanoff

in Product Archive

Rapid crush software club

Rapid Crush Software Club

If you are a follower of Jason Fladlien, or Wilson Mattos, you may have already heard about their new software club, called the Rapid Crush Software Club. I had never heard of it until just two days ago, but as soon as I discovered it, I went and took a look to find out what it was all about. To be completely honest, I had never even heard of a software club before, and I was quite curious to get the details on it. Turns out that the Rapid Crush Software Club is a unique and interesting way for people to get their hands on some of Jason Fladlien’s products at a very cheap price, and even before they are officially released. But there is a lot more to the Rapid Crush Software Club than just that, and I’m going to go over some of the things I learned about it.

The Rapid Crush Software Club is a joint venture of both Wilson Mattos and Jason Fladlien. I suspect that Wilson Mattos is the coding partner, and Jason Fladlien is more of the promoting partner. This particular software club is going to have at least two new software applications available each month for its members to buy or try. As a member, you will receive a discount on almost every new software release, and that discount will range from between 24% to 76%. Seeing that the average price of most of these software is between $50 and $100, that turns out to be a fairly significant discount. As a member of the Rapid Crush Software Club, you will also have the chance to promote these new programs, even before they become available to other affiliates, and even before Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos start to promote them themselves.

Another benefit to joining the Rapid Crush Software Club is that you will be able to test out two new pieces of beta software a month as well, and that’s included as part of your membership. And if you have some software that you have written and you would like to promote, Jason will be more than willing to talk to you about some kind of a JV partnership. It’s even possible that your software could become one of the programs available in the Rapid Crush Software Club, if that is something you are interested in. I personally own and use several different software applications that I purchased from Jason Fladlien, well before he ever started this Rapid Crush Software Club. Those applications are WP Twin, S3flowshield, Easy Redirect Script, WP Member Champ and a couple others I don’t recall. As you can see, I’m quite a big fan of his software. But my point is, that the software is very practical and does what it’s supposed to. If the Rapid Crush Software Club had existed back when I was buying the software, I would’ve certainly saved myself quite a bit of money.

And of course, Jason is offering his standard 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee for the Rapid Crush Software Club, the same guarantee he offers for all of his products. I can truthfully say that I’ve never once had to take advantage of his 30 day moneyback offer, but it’s a nice feeling to know that it’s there if you need it for whatever reason. But what this means is you can actually get a membership to the Rapid Crush Software Club, try it for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with the value you receive you can get your money back. So it’s basically like a 30 day trial, with no risk to you. Try out the membership, take a look inside at what’s available inside the Rapid Crush Software Club and what’s up coming, and then decide if it’s for you.

I would say that if you are currently considering purchasing any of Jason Fladlien’s or Wilson Mattos programs, such as some of the more popular titles like WP Twin or S3flowshield, it would be a smart move to get yourself a membership to the software club first. You might find that the discount you get on the program you’re planning on purchasing is more than enough to make up for the price of the membership. Another thing to consider is that Wilson Mattos is a very accomplished programmer, with several well-known titles under his belt, and many of the programs that are going to be available in the Rapid Crush Software Club will be developed by him. So if you’re looking to save money on quality software, the Rapid Crush Software Club has a potential to both provide quality software, and save you money, and there’s absolutely no risk in trying it out.

Check out the quick video below to get even more information on the Rapid Crush Software Club:

[S3VIDEO file=’’ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/rapid-crush-software-club_thumb21.png’] 

Rapid Crush Software Club