Tube Method

by | Webinars

Tube Method Overview Tube Method

Note: Check back on 5/17 to get more details about the 5/15 Live Hangout.

Visit to get Tube Method at a discounted price and all the bonuses mentioned from today’s webinar.

If you’ve been following Jason Fladlien or Zane Miller, you might have noticed how much they’re promoting and talking about their new course, the Tube Method. Jason and Zane are hosting one tomorrow- if you want to know what to expect, read on.

The Basics of Tube Method

Here are a few bullets about this training course from Jason and Zane.

  • A training course about using YouTube and Google Hangouts to generate profits online (both for online and offline businesses)
  • Using these social media sites for free promotions
  • Eight modules of learning the best practices of video marketing today
  • Comes with bonuses from featured internet marketers

How Tube Method Will Help You 

It is a given that video marketing is a good thing. But how does Tube Method leverage this form of marketing for your own good? What exactly will you learn from the Tube Method training sessions?

  • How to “three-click” embed any live hangout onto any web page.
  • Why you should NEVER use the YouTube video editor for Hangouts.
  • How to auto-enhance videos for your Hangout using YouTube.
  • How to use “Google Effects” for viral marketing.
  • How to get around the flaws of Hangouts.
  • How to automatically share Google Docs, PowerPoints, and other apps during the Hangout

The Eight Modules of Tube Method 

Now that you know what you will be learning, it’s time to dig deeper and find out how these lessons will be presented. There are eight major modules throughout the course (aside from the bonuses that are offered regularly).

  • Module 1: Setting up, preparing, and guaranteeing results during the Hangouts
  • Module 2: Learn how to SEO-proof your Hangouts through a “Secret Backlink YouTube Source” and more
  • Module 3: Best ways to turn YouTube into an effective lead generation source
  • Module 4: Best ways to turn YouTube into an effective lead generation source
  • Module 5: Advertising secrets, remarketing, and the four ad formats to help your Hangouts
  • Module 6: Using Hangouts for offline marketing, what “video adsense” is and creating YouTube channels
  • Module 7: Using playlists for videos and hangouts
  • Module 8: Advanced YouTube analytics, YouTube Partner Program, ‘daisy chain’ multiple channels, and more

As mentioned earlier, the Tube Method team comes up with bonuses from time to time that are available to all its members. Although this course comes with a heavy price tag of $495, you only have to pay that one-time fee to get access to a 24/7 customer support, a 30-day money back guarantee, and all future bonuses and updates.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.” on all 99 posts published on the website. 


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