WP Squeeze Pro Helps You Build Your List
WP Squeeze Pro is a WordPress plug-in that allows you to easily create different types of squeeze pages from within WordPress, including video squeeze pages. This recently launched plug-in was developed by both Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos, as part of their Rapid Crush Software Club. You may be familiar with some of their better known programs, such as S3flowshield, Easy Redirect Script, and WP Twin. So far this month the software club has launched at least two new programs, not including WP Squeeze Pro.
WP Squeeze Pro has been called the ultimate squeeze page builder so lets take a look to see if it deserves this title. If you’re familiar with other Jason Fladlien’s products, you’ll know that they are all pretty simple to configure, and WP Squeeze Pro is no exception thankfully. The configuration screen is just one page, but it contains all information you need to get this plug-in up and running quickly. Using WP Squeeze Pro you can have a new squeeze page on your website in just a few minutes.
(Check out the short video below where Jason demos WP Squeeze Pro)
Add a Logo With WP Squeeze Pro
WP Squeeze Pro allows you to add your logo if you choose, although it’s not required. You can add one headline, and content to several different places within the squeeze page, giving you lots of options including footer text. Although you can design your own custom squeeze page, there is no need to because WP Squeeze Pro arrives with 24 squeeze page templates that have been proven to convert in testing.
WP Squeeze Pro Does Video Too (of course)
And of course WP Squeeze Pro will allow you to set up video squeeze pages as well. Many of the included templates are already set up for video, all you need to do is add your video and your opt-in code to the template that you choose, and then click publish. It really doesn’t get a whole lot simpler than that. WP Squeeze Pro will support both mp4 and FLV format video, two of the most common audio formats in use.
Autoresponder Integration
My favorite feature of the WP Squeeze Pro plugin is the fact that it makes it so dead simple for you to add your autoresponder opt-in code. This WordPress plug-in is integrated with the some of the most commonly used auto responders, which are Aweber (including white label), Get Response, and Imnica Mail, making it a matter of just adding your autoresponder list name into the configurations panel and that’s it.
24 Professional Squeeze Page Templates
All of the templates that come included with WP Squeeze Pro have been extensively tested and are used by Jason Fladlien, so these are not just some quickly thrown together afterthoughts. If you look through them, you’ll see that they are very attractive and well thought out, with a nice selection of both video as well as traditional squeeze page formats. As I mentioned before, you’re free to create your own squeeze pages from scratch, use the supplied templates, or modify the templates to suit your needs, the choice is yours. WP Squeeze Pro gives you the options you need, while at the same time the preconfigured templates will let you get your squeeze page published and collecting opt-ins quickly.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
It goes without saying that WP Squeeze Pro comes with Jason Fladlien’s standard 30 day money back guarantee. As with every other product he sells, if for some reason or for no reason at all you decide that WP Squeeze Pro isn’t for you, just contact support and they will issue you a refund with no questions asked.